Recent years have brought significant changes in marketing strategies for law firms. Historically, law firms relied on referrals to receive their leads. But with the internet continuing to evolve, lawyers are harnessing the power of the written word to set themselves as thought leaders, dominate social/search engines, and attract business. This is what we call content marketing. It involves drafting, publishing, and sharing focused, valuable, and authoritative content that builds and grows your law firm. The type of material produced for content marketing is related to your services and designed to provide useful information that will entice people to trust you enough to retain you.

At Elite Content Writers, we can help you curate useful and engaging content that connects with your target audience. Our content marketing team has a unique insight into the legal market as well as knowledge of the latest Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and web-writing best practices. We thought it would be useful to go over the reasons why content marketing is an important aspect of your law firm’s marketing strategy.

  1. Shows Prospects What You Can Do

Content marketing offers your firm the perfect opportunity to comprehensively break down your services to prospective clients. With web pages, blog posts, social media posts, or newsletters, you get the space to explain the process behind each service you offer. For instance, an immigration lawyer may have a post breaking down how to get a work visa for the United States or a divorce lawyer may have a series of blog posts describing the laws and process involved.

Availing far-reaching overviews of complex legal issues goes a long way in helping clients feel more confident regarding your ability to guide them through the process with acumen and a genuine concern for helping them succeed.

  1. Portrays Your Firm as a Trusted Sources of Information

The legal industry is and only a few individuals fully comprehend its intricacies. It takes years of specialized education for one to understand most of the legal concepts, which is why there’s no common knowledge about the law. For this reason, there’s a great demand for content that easily elucidates the basics of common forms of legal matters, like adoption, immigration, commercial building tittles, divorce, and many more, based on your firm’s expertise.

Generally, web users who come across this kind of content on your site will appreciate the information shared. What’s more, they are likely to remember and seek legal services from your firm because they consider your law firm as a source of trusted information.

  1. Builds Your Reputation 

Writing more, higher quality content establishes you as an expert not only to your clients but also your peers. Producing more, higher quality content increases the perceived specialty, relevance, authority, and trust of your site. Quality content offers your firm a chance to connect with both current and potential clients on a different level. Keeping information up to date, citing well-known sources of information, and creating in a clear intelligent manner helps your readers feel they are getting nothing but the best information possible.

Other than encouraging them to visit your site again in the future for more information, it also helps convert leads to clients if they are seeking legal service. As your content marketing strategy becomes more valuable and your client base increases, your firm will be deemed as an industry leader that clearly understands what clients need and how to offer that information more efficiently.

  1. Results in Better Brand Awareness

Content marketing can have a positive impact on your brand. When you create useful content and use it to interest, educate, and engage your target audience, your law firm will be in a position to explore its word of mouth marketing. People who remember your brand are more than likely to become clients once they decided to obtain legal help. Content marking helps grow brand affinity, through which clients feel more passionate and share the values of your law firm.  

Brand affinity is Holy Grail for marketers. People with high brand affinity are into your services and you as a brand in a major way. They’re in love with what your offer, often tell their loved ones and affiliates how great your law firm is, and will vouch for your legal services without any promoting or coercion. In other words, clients with high brand affinity are your superfans and they are with no doubt your most valued clients. And when it comes to converting leads into clients, those who feel an affinity for your law firm will more likely become your client if they have already learned more about your firm through your content.

Generating brand awareness can be as simple as sharing a blog post on social media or sending emails to your subscribers to ensure that your firm is a constant presence in their minds. People who associate your brand with informative, engaging, and helpful content are likely to convert into clients. When your content answers their questions, your readers will not have to do more research to find a good lawyer for their case, the best option will be there in their inbox or on their Twitter page.

  1. You Get Higher Search Engine Rankings

We’ve witnessed the extremely disruptive Google algorithm changes in the past, but still content and context are still king. Investing in content marketing as a law firm offers your brand an opportunity to get a ranking in search engines. Search engines can spot high-quality content based on keywords, its length, the amount of traffic it receives, and other important metrics. This makes it important for law firms to create content that helps you stand out.

You can improve your website’s rank in search engines by following best practices for search engine optimization (SEO). This involves understanding the search queries that your target audience uses to find information and then publishing unique, helpful content related to those search terms. This will improve the ranking of your website and make it easier for potential clients to find you. What’s more, creating a wide range of content gives search engines more to work with. For example, instead of only ranking for “criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles” your site may also show up for “what to expect after an arrest” or “defense strategies for spousal battery charges.” Having more content increases your website’s visibility, drives more traffic and leads to greater conversion rates.

  1. Results in Reduced Marketing Costs

While the initial investment may appear significant, the amount of time required for planning and executing a successful content marketing strategy are worth the investment. Content marketing is incredibly cost-effective and offers compound returns when compared to other outbound marketing strategies. In fact, the cost of content marketing can be less than 62% of traditional marketing.

You might not yield much in terms of results in the first few months of your content marketi8ng strategy, but you will start to see growth in the next few months. And in no time, your return could easily quadruple your investment.

Clients and prospects expect law firms to produce content. You build brand loyalty by offering consistent, engaging, and riveting content to your current and prospective clients. Loyalty can be long-lasting, creating a steady flow of individuals ready and willing to engage with your firm. Consistent and relevant content plays a critical in building brand loyalty, which leads to clients returning and recommending your legal services to other people. The community originating from content marketing offers a steady source of revenue for your law firm, reducing the pressure to continuously seek new clients.

  1. Content Marketing Grows Your Social Media Following

Content marketing allows clients to find your firm. Great content is readable, interesting, and shareable. Every potential client that comes across valuable content on your law firm’s website becomes a potential advocate for your brand. Most of these readers will follow you on social media so they can stay up to date on future pieces of content that you create. The majority of these readers will also share your articles with their families, friends, and their followers on social media, which goes a long way in growing your following over time. Individuals who are not actively searching for your law firm may come to know about it through another source.

Social media plays a critical role in ensuring your content helping initially sharing marketing strategy is effective. It offers a platform for sharing your content and engaging with pertinent audiences. Once you publish content on your site, you will need to promote it, and there’s no better platform than social media. In other words, great content offers you stuff to share on your social feeds, which demonstrate that your social feeds have more value and can boost your social media followings. Other than growing your audience, you also establish greater credibility in the industry and you’re provided further conversation opportunities.

  1. Generates Traffic to Your Website to Improve Lead Generation

Content marketing can help with lead generation. Consistently publishing quality content on your site helps build a larger digital footprint. This offers more opportunities for your law firm to be found in the search result. When audiences come across your great content, they are more than likely to use your legal services in the future.

When you publish well-optimized content that provides answers to questions or solves a problem, you will more likely gain a higher ranking in the search engines. This means increased organic traffic, creating more opportunities for conversion. As your content gets promoted and shared through social media, you can start connecting with those who have shared your content or commented on your post. This allows you to respond to other concerns and become the go-to law firm to help solve the biggest legal issues.

One of the biggest challenges most marketers face is generating traffic and leads. And nothing does it better than content marketing. This is why one of the top benefits of content marketing is generating leads. You can achieve this by including CTAs in your content, adding downloadable PDFs of Checklists, infographics, or eBooks that summarize or accent an article where your readers are required to fill out a form to access it is a simple way to generate leads as well as establish your email list. With the reader’s details, you can be able to nurture them with more pertinent content via monthly newsletters that include educational content as well as coupons or special offers. This is the best way to move the prospect from the sales funnel into sold clients.

Even after its publication, content marketing continues to deliver ROI (Return on Investment). Old articles and blog posts continue to generate leads over time, your content remains searchable and all you need to do is updating older content every once in a while to ensure it’s fresh. Evergreen content is an asset to your law firm as it provides a compound return on investment.

  1. Improves Conversions

Your main objectives with content marking are to inform, help, engage, and bring value for all your readers. When that is taken care of, you’re free to use the remaining space to pitch your services. Clients are likely to use your legal services once they read through your content because purchasing decisions simply begins with a search. If the content you post on your site leads in the direction of a solution to their issue, they will gladly join your list of clients.

If done tactfully, content marketing can significantly help you grow the number of conversions you get. It can move prospects through their journey at their own pace and when they are ready to retain legal services, your law firm will most likely be ranked as the expert. This simplifies the decision to hire your firm. However, this does not in any way imply that you should turn your content into an advertisement. Just be tactful and give them the information they need. What’s more, always ensure that your content contains a CTA that guides your reader on what to do next after reading through.

Find a Content Writing Service Near Me

Content marketing for law firms is one of the most effective, useful, and practical marketing strategies today. Elite Content Writers gives you access to a team of experienced online legal writers that can help you achieve all of the benefits outlined above. Our content writing service for law firms is designed to ensure that your site stands out from the rest and helps grow your client list. We produce content that is useful, informative, and customized based on your ideal client base, client’s needs, competitions, and search engines. And we guarantee that it will be legally accurate and up-to-date.

If you’d like to us about developing your content marketing strategy, please complete our online contact form or give us a call on 800-948-6175. Let us help you establish online authority, display your expertise, get your message across to your clients, boost traffic, and convert browsers into clients.